As a Survivor of Domestic Abuse, I Want to Believe Amber Heard but I Can’t. This is Why.

June Kirri
Modern Women
Published in
7 min readMay 24, 2022


Picture of Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard defamation trial
Screenshot of Youtube video taken by author:

First, let me make it clear that I’m not a Johnny Depp nor an Amber Heard fan.

I’m just a spectator.

Two years ago, I casually read a headline about how Depp lost the UK trial against The Sun for calling him a “wife-beater.” That convinced me he abused her.

Then, somewhere along the road, I read another headline that Heard donated the $7 million divorce settlement from Depp to two charities.

I also watched a video that Heard took of Depp yelling profanities while slamming kitchen cabinets — a video that went viral and exploded on social media.

This confirmed to me that Depp was indeed a “wife-beater.”

I felt for Heard and was happy when she divorced that prick.

Then, Depp fans started a campaign of victim-blaming claiming he was the actual victim.

I rolled my eyes. Crazy fans. The depths they’ll go to support him.

Besides, she donated all her money to charities. That poor woman just wants out, like all domestic abuse victims.



June Kirri
Modern Women

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