If You Don’t Love Yourself, Maybe the Answer is to Become Someone Else

I’ve had enough of hearing “It’s not you, it’s me.” It IS me.

Meaghan Ward
Modern Women


Photo by RealToughCandy.com on Pexels

Those who seek a better life must first become a better person. — Jim Rohn

I read once that you shouldn’t tell people who are depressed over a breakup or over being single for a long time: “You have to love yourself before anyone else will be able to love you.”

For someone who has struggled with depression and anxiety for decades, I know that loving myself can be quite a tall order, even on the best days.

There have been times when I’ve thought: “If I have to love myself before someone else loves me, no one is ever going to love me.”

So, it’s cruel in a way, isn’t it?

You might think you’re helping someone by encouraging them to love themselves first, by telling them to “accept yourself as you are or no one else ever will”, but I think the comment can be extremely damaging — an attack of sorts.

If I had to stand naked in front of a mirror with some little encouragement fairy hovering over my shoulder and screaming into my ear:

Love yourself! Love yourself just the way you are!

