I’m Insanely Fighting Against Double Standards.

It’s high time I talk about this.

Modern Women
6 min readMar 2, 2024


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Disclaimer: Although this article focuses on gender inequality between males and females, I humbly acknowledge and respect the diverse experiences of the LGBTQ+ community. I recognize the unique challenges they face in the conversation about gender equality. You have my full respect.

Throughout my self-development journey, one thing that has been struck and sewn in my soul is GENDER INEQUALITY.

I’m aware that men and women are biologically different. That’s not what I’m speaking about.

I’m speaking about social differences.

As far as I remember growing up, I didn’t experience gender inequality issues.

Once I reached 18, I started seeing all, especially in the Indian community.

I noticed problems in both genders — women and men. I saw how they were treated differently.

Double standard examples:

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash
  • I saw a pay gap between women and men for the same role.
  • I saw how mental health was dismissed for both genders in the Indian community.
  • I saw how women don’t have the luxury of roaming freely at night, just like men.
  • I saw gender-based roles for women — cleaning and cooking. For men — working, is the breadwinner of the family.
  • I saw how women have to work double to prove their worth in their workplace, whereas men don’t have to.
  • I saw how society ruled that women could cry, but men can’t.
  • I saw how society was putting pressure on the “ideal lifestyle” according to the age of women and men.
  • I saw how women need to give dowry during their marriage, whereas men don’t have to.
  • I saw how society said that women need to be obedient, and nice, and people-pleasers and men have to be strong, opinionated, and hard.
  • This list won’t end…

I went to understand further why things are such.

My findings on double standard origins:

Photo by Natalia Y. on Unsplash

In ancient times,

  • Women were not sent to schools like men. Hence the pay gap occurred due to educational attainment, occupational segregation, and work experience between genders.
  • The priority was water, food, shelter, and clothing. There was no space for mental health.
  • Some men used to think that a woman was nothing more than marriage material. Overall, no safety for women, day and night.
  • Men were required to do labor work as they were physically stronger, and women were required to take care of kids and households. Hence the divided roles.
  • Women were seen as low and dirty. No matter how much effort they put into proving their worth, they go unseen.
  • Men were taught to not show vulnerability. When a man expresses his emotions, it goes against traditional notions of masculinity. Whereas women can cry because they are considered weak.
  • There were traditions where by a certain age, men and women must be married, have kids, and so on. Rules unmet will be equaled to tarnishing the tradition and family’s reputation.
  • Dowry was introduced to benefit the bride, who was unable to inherit property under Hindu law. There are more reasons.
  • Women were required to be obedient, soft-spoken, and people-pleasing to portray that they were born to serve men and obey them. Whereas men were required to be strong, opinionated, and hard to portray that they were powerful and nothing could break them.

You can respect traditions but don’t have to follow them.

These unethical methods may seem right during ancient times.

However, this is the 21st century and times have changed.

Yet, some people are still living in ancient times and it truly breaks my heart.

How can this get better?

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

For people who are still living in ancient times, it’s either

  • they don’t know the new times


  • they know the new times and are reluctant to change themselves for the better

For people who don’t know the new times, the best way to reach them is by awareness. Through news, family, friends, and so on. Next is action to switch the way they view society.

For people who know the new times and are reluctant to change, I can only say one thing.

If you don’t upgrade yourself as time progresses, the time will push you away.

You’ll be alone in your way of thinking, which is not serving others or yourself.

Think about it.

How it should be:

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash
  • Women and men must be paid the same for the same role, regardless of their educational background. If the hiring criteria are unmet regardless of male or female, then don’t hire.
  • Mental health topics must be openly communicated regardless of gender. If we don’t understand ourselves and help others.
  • It’s everyone’s right to be free and be wherever at whichever time we want. It’s an independent country.
  • Except for biological roles, any role can be done by anyone. There is no law that certain roles must be done by a certain gender.
  • Women have equal rights as men when it comes to proving their worth through work. The work can only be judged based on the quality required, not which gender did it.
  • Both women and men are souls on this planet. Both genders have feelings. When women/men cry, nothing can diminish their worth as a human being. It’s corrupted to think men are not supposed to cry.
  • It’s a person’s choice to decide what they want for themselves. Others can suggest, but can’t force their decision onto that person.
  • Both genders are financially cared for and are capable of supporting themselves. There’s no need for dowry. Instead, there should be mutual understanding.
  • Women are not rocks to keep silent about everything that has been done to them. Their personalities and characters are based on their belief system. They are how they are. No one can change them unless they want to.

I want to hear from you:

Today, I’m happy to see individuals stepping out and standing up for themselves to fight for ridiculous double standards.

But, this is not enough.

More people need to fight this patriarchy.

Myself and people I dearly know are fighting back at these immoral rules being thrown at us.

If you’re one of them, share it in the comments below and I’d love to hear your story.

Whoever you are, you have my support.

Remember, on the road of your self-development journey, it’s key to have a growth mindset towards anything. I mean, ANYTHING.

Thanks for reading, and I wish you all the happiness in this world! 🌎

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Modern Women

I talk about personal growth, business, and writing.