I’m Really Enjoying Life Right Now, So…. Medium is Taking a Back Seat

Living at its finest

Megan Llorente
Modern Women


Photo by George Bakos on Unsplash

It’s not often in life that I can truly say I’m in a good place.

I wish it was the case ALL of the time, but sometimes reality or anxiety or stress hits and I’m just trying to keep my head above water.

Right now is one of those times that I just want to ENJOY.

My life is smooth sailing. Things that I’ve been wanting are appearing. I have fantastic friends and I’m absolutely loving my new small town.

I’m out and about more than I’ve ever been in my life. I’m more social, more giving and more exuberant.

So I’m going to savour this time.

Nothing lasts forever, but I’m going to stretch out this happy period as long as possible.

Which means… Medium is taking a back seat

I’ve barely written anything this year.

Instead I’ve been enjoying have in-person conversations. I look forward to leaving my home each day and experiencing new adventures, even in tiny little ways.

Writing is on a hiatus for me and that’s okay.

I feel like I’ve said all I needed to say, for now, and I’m loving being in the moment. I no longer have a pent-up well of emotion or words. I’ve let it all out over the past year and now I just feel at peace.

How about you my dear friends? Do you feel good? Or are you in a rocky time?

No matter where you’re at, I hope you get a period of smooth sailing soon enough. It’s absolutely delightful.

With love,




Megan Llorente
Modern Women

Love is the answer ❤️ Certified Coach, Children’s Books Author, Avid Entrepreneur. Creator of 2 Pubs: Modern Women & MIDFORM. Find me @ Meganllorente.com