In Protest at all this Strong Women Bullshit

Sometimes itā€™s OK to be weak

Susie Kearley MBA šŸ¹ Guinea pig slave
Modern Women


Ā© Susie Kearley

I see calls for stories about ā€˜strong womenā€™ from magazine editors and it irritates me because I feel it sends a message that we must always be strong, and if weā€™re not, thatā€™s a problem. Am I alone?

Our society puts a massive amount of emphasis on strong, influential, inspirational women. Thatā€™s nice for them, but is it giving the wrong message? Itā€™s OK to feel weak sometimes. Itā€™s OK to struggle, to live quietly, and to just be you.

Life can be a battle, especially during a pandemic. Sometimes loved ones get ill or die. Your own health falters. Perhaps your livelihood is in tatters because of economic woes or layoffs.

Itā€™s OK to feel beaten, to feel weak, to cry and let your emotions out. Thereā€™s a certain strength in struggling through when life throws crap at you, but thereā€™s nothing wrong with giving up the fight and just letting life take you whatever way it goes, either.

Itā€™s also OK to feel like youā€™re *never* particularly strong. We donā€™t all have to be leaders or influencers. We donā€™t all have to be fighters.

We can all be skilled and productive individuals. Everyone has important roles to fulfil. You are no less of a person if you donā€™t feel strong.



Susie Kearley MBA šŸ¹ Guinea pig slave
Modern Women

Freelance journalist UK. Published in BBC Countryfile, The Mirror, Britain mag etc. Covers writing, health, psychology, memoir, current affairs, & environment.