Is Beauty Still Relevant Or Is It Just You?

Progressives believe that Beauty is a dated concept but has really it disappeared?

Manojita Chakraborty
Modern Women
4 min readApr 18, 2024


Photo by Jens Lindner on Unsplash

I have often wondered how my life would be if I had a different face. Would it be better or would it be more of the same? Knowingly or unknowingly, beauty or our perception of beauty creates an impact on all of our lives. How we are looked at in society plays a huge role in the chances we get, the opportunities that fall into our laps or the doors that open in front of us. But there are so many layers to beauty in today’s world. It’s not just the physical beauty. It’s the personality, your skin, your hair, your conversation, your attitude towards life that plays a part in your likability index, so to say.

Beauty at the Onset

As a teenager, I was always more of a geek. I think I still am. Beauty or looking the part never really factored into my adolescent mind. Because I was a good student, I got opportunities for progress all through school and university. I always believed it was because of my brains that I got those chances. But now that I have lived a little more of my life, I realize that my being a bit easy on the eyes did contribute to what came my way.

Today in the age of social media and connectivity, I feel like there is a near impossible standard to measure up to for teens. Kids in their teens or even pre-teens want to look a certain way, have flawless skin, say the right things all the time. Somehow this culture of impeccable beauty standards is robbing them of their chance to explore life, think and feel what they like and make mistakes, and then learn some on their way.

Skincare — Is it a Positive Trend?

Among the many random trends that float around in our virtual world, is that of skincare. It is one of my favorite trends. Why is that?

I don’t recall ever having a skincare routine before COVID-19. I just bought a bunch of stuff and never thought twice before applying them. I did not follow a skincare routine or regimen. And it worked for me. Yes, there were occasional acne or breakout episodes but they healed on their own. During lock-down, I spent a lot of time reading up online, watching videos about skincare and I started with a simple skincare routine. It changed how my skin felt on a daily basis and became a soothing unwinding routine over time. So yes, for me it’s a positive trend.

On the flip side, chemically treating your skin on your own can come with a lot of repercussions. There are so many chemical peels available on the market and a bunch of social media Influencers actively promoting them, it’s sometimes worrying what direction a wellness trend is taking.

Body Positivity — Still a long way to go

Now Body Positivity is a more sensitive topic. Being okay with your image on the mirror is something a lot of us struggle with all our lives. If only I was taller, if only I was thinner — this is a constant narrative in our minds. But does it matter so much, how the world perceives us?

I think it does to a large extent. Genetics aside, a lot of times, it is plain unhealthy to try to fit into a certain size. I come from a conservative society where women still don’t have a lot of agency to own the way they are or dress the way they feel like, on most days. Modesty in our culture is a prized possession. In such a world, every body type faces constant censure. Amidst all of this hate or haze, the only thing one can do is be at peace with who you are.

But is the Physical Beauty everything? Or is it the Personality?

As perceptions of beauty evolve, hopefully so do people. In an ideal world, beauty would not just be superficial or technically skin deep but would incorporate an entire personality. How we are, where we grew up, our values, our approach towards the world in general, and everything under that umbrella can be personality. Personality is such a unique idea. A person is so much more than their skin color, or texture, or their features. In my experience some of the most beautiful people are the ones who are kind, who empathize, who show genuine affection and love towards their own lives and the people they meet in their lives.

Beauty impacts how we come across at Work

This is a hard pill to swallow. All through my work life, I have come across instances when an unconscious advantage is given to people who are presentable, well groomed if not beautiful. I think the idea should be to concentrate on physical wellbeing, health, fitness, clean eating, simple skincare and not just some age old beauty standard. We don’t live in a perfect world and more often than not how well dressed you turn up for a meeting would make an impression on what you are presenting.

Ultimately, being Okay with how the World looks at you

Overall, in an increasingly polarized world, a lot of how we behave is somewhat influenced by outside forces. I have erred with beauty too. I have my own biases. But hopefully it’s never skin deep. I try not to judge a book by it’s cover. After going through my twenties somewhat enamored by societal beauty standards, I have come to realize that an individual is a sum total of his/her lived experiences. It has very little to do with how they look on a certain day. I tried kindness when I grew up a bit and the world looks much more inclusive and nice if we all tried a little more.

Thank you for reading. Until next time.



Manojita Chakraborty
Modern Women

Writer, Blogger, Book Worm. Technology, History, Media enthusiast.