It’s Time For Us To Leave The ‘Good Girl’ Conditioning Behind

Why do we think we need to neglect ourselves to earn love and acceptance?

Patrícia Williams
Modern Women


Photo by iam_os on Unsplash

Many of us women are conditioned from a young age to embody the archetype of the “good girl.” We’re taught to be polite, nurturing, and accommodating, often at the expense of our own needs and desires.

Growing up, we’re inundated with messages that reinforce this ‘good girl’ persona. We’re praised for being obedient, for avoiding conflict, and for making others feel comfortable. Meanwhile, our assertiveness is discouraged, our independence is met with skepticism, and our ambition is tempered by the fear of being labeled as aggressive or unlikable.

These beliefs and expectations follow us everywhere we go.

And as we navigate the complexities of womanhood, we often find ourselves trapped in the confines of this persona, yearning for the freedom to express ourselves authentically.

It’s no wonder why — we’re struggling to reconcile the messages we’ve internalized with the women we aspire to be. We’re trying to express ourselves in a world that expects us to conform to outdated stereotypes and unrealistic expectations.

More often than not, the ‘good girl’ conditioning begins within the walls of our…



Patrícia Williams
Modern Women

Sharing my healing & awakening journey, to hopefully help you feel a little less alone on yours ✧