It’s Time To Stop Being a Yes Woman

Be honest. Be yourself. People will still like you, trust me.

Michele Maize
Modern Women


Photo by Tamara Bellis on Unsplash

Being a yes woman is the same thing as being a people pleaser. From a young age, I was taught not to ruffle feathers.

Walk on eggshells around Mom because she’ll burst over the slightest mishap. You didn’t want to upset the beast.

You might think that is harsh but my mother was an abusive, narcissistic, alcoholic, drug addict. She scared the shit out of me from a young age so I took to people-pleasing.

If I could make her just a little bit happy, I tried. All I wanted was peace. I wanted it to be calm and quiet, which it never was.

I am sure you would agree if you grew up in this environment. It was easier to people-please than the contrary.

This sticks around with you, too. Even though my environment changed when I got older, I continued with the people-pleasing without realizing that I didn’t need to.

I wanted people to like me. I wanted validation from external sources. I wanted praise. I didn’t want to upset or disappoint anyone. So, I hid the things about myself that would.

These are all things I didn’t receive as a child and constantly strived for as a young adult.



Michele Maize
Modern Women

Sober Traveler | Wannabe Vegan | Yoga Addict. Extrovert turned introvert who loves dachshunds. Owner of "The Maze". Editor at Black Bear and Globetrotters.