Just Stop Being Poor Already

Why don’t poor people just try harder like everyone else?

Lost Layla
Modern Women


Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

Let’s be very candid for a moment about something awkward to say. In all honesty, you & I probably don’t have a lot in common. Maybe you have read a piece or two written by me, or vice versa, and in that moment we felt a shared experience that made us seem similar. We may have even exchanged encouraging words, genuine kindness, or quietly given the other a mental high five in solidarity.

You & I may look like we grew up just down the street from one another. Or in the same family. We may have a similar sense of humor. Maybe you are also vertically challenged or a woman or white, like I am. Possibly we both exhibit several of these same “identifiers” that would make one think another person has experienced the world and life in a comparable way to how they have.

However, my knowledge of the average user on Medium and some research into Medium’s user demographics have succinctly highlighted to me that, in all likelihood, you & I are probably not just living in an entirely different socio-economic class. Due in no small part to that singular fact, we have probably been living in two completely separate & different realities that are layered- but not overlapping- in the same physical world.



Lost Layla
Modern Women

Mother of 2 great kids. Born & raised in Nowhere, MS. Small town girl out here babbling to the Universe hoping it hears. ko-fi.com/layladorris