Ladies, Just Ask for It

The Power of Seeking Feedback

Alivia Banerjee
Modern Women
2 min readFeb 22, 2024


Crop woman taking notes while working on laptop(opens in a new tab or window
Source — Canva Stock Image

Hi, my corporate girlies—let me tell you a story about myself.

A few months back, there I was in my home office (or, let’s be real, sometimes just cozied up in bed with my laptop), sipping on my dear cup of coffee as I dived into work. Sounds familiar?

As a dedicated corporate employee, I was all about maximizing performance, both mine and my team’s. But something was missing. You know, that something?

Effective feedback.

Occasionally I would find myself stuck in a rut, feeling like I was running on a treadmill—lots of effort, but going nowhere fast. I started researching, and it led me to one particular insight that fundamentally shifted my approach to work and growth.

In an article from the Harvard Business Review, authors Shelley Correll and Caroline Simard discuss a notable trend:

…while women may hold numerous middle management positions, their presence significantly diminishes at the VP-executive level. The question arises: why aren’t more women ascending to executive roles? A key factor identified is the disparity in the feedback given to men and women throughout their careers.

I learned that, as women, we often need to be proactive in seeking out the feedback that fuels our growth. We need to ask for it—not just any feedback, but the kind that challenges us and pushes us to stretch beyond our comfort zones. So, I decided to change the narrative and started asking for the feedback I needed for my growth.

I started jotting down every piece of response and really leaned into it. Not only did my performance level up, but I also felt a boost in confidence and connection with my work. I became a feedback evangelist, encouraging my peers to seek out and embrace constructive criticism.

But here’s the kicker, girls: feedback is a two-way street. It’s not just about receiving; it’s also about giving. It’s like a “feedback loop” of empowerment, where everyone’s performance soars.

Stay fabulous, stay fierce, and let’s turn feedback into our secret weapon.



Alivia Banerjee
Modern Women

Writing articles on literature, gender, history and culture.