Listen To Your Truth

A man tried to limit me

Destiny S. Harris
Modern Women


Photo Credit: Pexels // ArtHouse Studio

At the time, I was living away from home, when I told an older man I planned on moving to California. He told me, it’s too expensive to live there, you’ll probably just go back home and live with your family. It was my first job out of college that brought me to where I was, and the job was out of state. He thought I would flounder and not be able to stand on my own two feet. Wrong. From there, I moved three more times with ease.

As life started flying, though, I did second guess if I wanted to live in California; I’m still debating if I do. My partner is ready to go, but I like where we are for now.

I still live away from family, and no California is not too expensive if you can afford it, but I’ll never forget his words. He wanted his truth to be my truth.

  • Could I move to CA? Yes.
  • Why won’t I? There are too many benefits to where I live now.
  • Do I think California is expensive? No.
  • Do I think California is overpriced? Yes. There’s a difference.

If I truly wanted to move there, I would. And I would never allow someone else’s truth to become mine.

Just because someone else tells you that you can’t do something, won’t do something, or shouldn’t do something, doesn’t…

