‘Little Women’ and the Sea

Two days ago I found myself alone on a train, in drab, horrible weather, going on a spontaneous solo-trip to the beach.

Nadīna's Notebook
Modern Women
Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2023


Photo by Pedro Gabriel Miziara on Unsplash

A few hours before I decided that the sea was calling to me, I was in somewhat of a slump. Holed up in bed, feeling grimy. Debating whether I should continue reading my book, scroll social media, or try napping.

That was when I remembered a tweet and inspiration struck me.

I may or may not fall into a deep rabbit hole about the history of this practice

That tweet is painfully relatable, but it wasn’t motivation enough. One look out the window and my thoughts soured: not a ray of sun in sight, and there was snowfall. Light drizzling but still. In late March! Latvian weather tests my sanity sometimes, it really does.

My body and soul are aching for spring.

As I mulled over the beach idea, I started thinking about Little Women, the heartwarming story of four sisters and their chaos and love, written by Louisa May Alcott. Specifically the 2019 Greta Gerwig film adaptation, which in my eyes is perfect and makes me love being a woman.

If you haven’t seen it yet, I urge you to! It is one of those movies that makes you cry both tears of joy and sadness (I cried 6 separate times, shhh).

I adore Jo March’s quotes so much, I need to include my favourite:

Women, they have minds, and they have souls, as well as just hearts. And they’ve got ambition, and they’ve got talent, as well as just beauty. I’m so sick of people saying that love is just all a woman is fit for!

Meg (Emma Watson), Amy (Florence Pugh), Jo (Saoirse Ronan), and Beth (Eliza Scanlen). Image credit: Sony.

Why Little Women sprang to mind is the picturesque scenes at the beach. The seaside is a childhood setting where the sisters and their friends fly kites, play, fall in love, have fun.

In contrast, heart wrenching scenes also take place there. Jo brings a deathly ill Beth to the sea years later, to help her get stronger and heal. Some of my favourite scenes in the film.

I knew then and there that I was going to the beach no matter the weather, ignoring the fact that it was already 4 pm.

So I hauled myself up, packed some snacks and headed out.

Image by Frank T. Merrill (1880)

As I waited at the station, I was shivering and crawling deeper into my coat to hide from the breeze.

I felt a twinge of regret, which quickly dissapeared when the train arrived and I was able to escape in its warmth for half an hour.

In the spirit of the outing, I naturally decided to do a Which March Sister Are You? quiz.

Because heaven forbid my brain gets a second of rest and I’m left alone with my thoughts (I’m working on it).

Secretly I was hoping to get Jo: the fiery, feminist writer carving her path in the world. I wasn’t surprised that my result was Beth. Introversion and playing the piano is something we have in common.

Ultimately though, I resonate with all March sisters, and I think that’s what makes it such a brilliant story.

Now that I think about it, I’m probably not even one of the sisters, I’m Laurie. First of all, I love the March family, and I, too would fall for Jo the second I met her, and do anything for her. Especially if she was also Saoirse Ronan! And yes, I would marry Florence Pugh’s Amy in a heartbeat too. I get you, man.

Who wouldn’t love Jo? In Laurie’s words: “I couldn’t help it.”

Anyway, back to the train. You won’t believe my luck, but as I neared the sea, the clouds parted and there was sunshine! The beach was practically empty too. The universe winked at me that day.

I put on some calm music and strolled along the coast. When I saw no-one around for miles, I bravely broke out a dance move here and there. It was freeing, I could practically feel my brain healing.

I was so energized I even tried a hand-stand, which didn’t exactly go to plan.

those poles decided not to be my friends (ouch)

I fed some adorable sea gulls, too. They hovered above me and dove down as I showered almonds and pumpkin seeds in their direction.

I even threw a nut mid-air and one birdie skillfully caught it. Definitely felt like a bird charmer, which was lovely.

sea gulls (the cuter, non-threatening version)

I think this short trip served as a perfect reminder to me that little things go a long way.

Sometimes the solution to overwhelming thoughts can be a bit of fresh air (and a healthy dose of Greta Gerwig movies).

Nadīna, signing off.



Nadīna's Notebook
Modern Women

Curious 21-year-old figuring life out. I love thrill-seeking. I write about women's history, movies, mental health & self-actualization. This is my outlet!