Love Life Through Various Stages Of A Relationship

Through the lens of middle age

Modern Women


Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

What comes to your mind when you think about the word “love”? How do you think love manifests itself when two people are starting a relationship? And how does it evolve as relationships grow and people age? Does it remain linear according to some predefined structured stages, or is it a fluid, ever-changing entity?

I am a middle-aged woman and have experience in a monogamous married relationship for almost two decades.

So the disclaimer here is that the forthcoming observations stem from my personal experiences and observations.

I find that in the initial stages, love is often an unstable mix of excitement and discovery. The most common manifestation of love at this stage is through physical intimacy and the power of shared touch — a language of its own that speaks volumes without the need for words. It’s the butterflies in the stomach, the yearning for each other’s company, and the joy of discovering shared interests. I recall it being like a magnetic pull that drew the two of us closer and created a solid foundation for our steady relationship ahead.

At this stage, emotions play a very important part too but I’d still consider them…



Modern Women

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