Men Don’t Hate Feminism, They Fear it

“Ugh another feminist rant”

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Modern Women


Photo by Timur Romanov on Unsplash

Let’s be real for a sec, most men are not the biggest fans of feminism. The word itself makes some of them tense up. But why? The main idea of feminism is straightforward: equal rights for both genders. However, along the way, a lot of men started thinking that feminism was just about hating them or taking away their rights.

For example, in 2022, research showed that approximately 33% of all men think negatively about feminism. This isn’t a random sentiment—there’s been a great shift, especially among younger men. In 2019, less than a third of young men felt discriminated against because of their gender. Fast forward just a couple of years, and that number has skyrocketed to a whopping 45%!

So WTF is Happening??

Fear of Losing Power

The backlash arises as a result of fear to lose traditional powers. For ages now, society has privileged men with higher pays, more leadership roles and little scrutiny over personal behavior. Some men consider feminism advocates as having taken steps backward in the path they have made so far towards equality. Society punishes them now “simply for being males”.

Here’s the thing though—feminism isn’t about tearing men down; it never was. It simply seeks level ground…



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Modern Women

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