Men Have Disgusting Road Rage And It Scares Me

The ‘male drivers are better than woman drivers’ debate has been around since the beginning of time, but the statistics speak for themselves.

Shamar M
Modern Women


Photo by Per Lööv on Unsplash

I don’t get road rage. My motto is as long as you don’t crash, there’s no point getting mad. The day goes on with no one harmed, so don’t fret. Easier said than done for most people, but it works for me.

However, this doesn’t mean I haven’t had some bad encounters on the road, all of whom seem to be with men.

There was one incident where a woman driving an old, silver Mercedes very nearly crashed into the side of me. I beeped my horn, flipped a finger, and felt a flash of furry but didn’t react any further. As I was driving home, I noticed the silver Mercedes was hot on my tail.

Am I being followed?

I decided to test this, so I went off-course and turned into a random road without indicating. The silver Mercedes drove on by, but it was clear I was being followed. I’ve never seen the car since.

Other than that, the rest of my memorable incidents have been men.

Incident one



Shamar M
Modern Women

27. Based in the UK. PG DIP HR Management. Chief of publication The First Time. Editor in About Me Stories.