Modern Women: February Writing Prompts

Let’s challenge ourselves to find a new perspective

Modern Women


Image by Pavel Danilyuk on

Where do I begin in a reflection of the last month on Modern Women? Our theme for the month was aging and wow, the responses we had.

As a subject it will always be a complex one, there is a gulf between how we feel on the inside, and what we are told to believe on the outside. So often it becomes something we keep quiet about, how we experience aging, the fears it brings up, the encouragement to battle against it, and the endless narratives about our worth being attached to our youth whether physically, mentally or in relation to fertility.

Your stories pushed back against all of that. You sang rallying cries of pride and liberation in ‘middle age’, and wove new narratives of paths of womanhood not paved with outdated thinking and expectation.

We met ourselves in each other and remembered just how beautiful and powerful we are at every age.

It was a great month!

There were more pieces than I can add here that I will be rereading for months to come but here are three you may have missed.

There is a unique fear when you see yourself in your mother as she ages before you, and Chantelle Atkins perfectly captures it here.



Modern Women

Writing on female experience, race, motherhood & self-development. Columnist at Green Parent magazine & Parenting Top Writer. Follow me on IG @adeola_moonsong.