Modern Women: June Writing Prompts

Let’s get inspired

Modern Women


Image by Cole Keister on Unsplash

Reading your work is always a pleasure but this month has been even more juicy, with some incredibly open, vulnerable and genuinely impactful writing in response to last month’s prompt on privilege. It can be a daunting and personally challenging subject, and with ‘cancel culture’ forever present, it can feel safer to avoid difficult subjects when you are unsure of how your words will be received. For those of you who wrote, thank you. For those of you who read and responded, thank you. This is how we start conversations and delve deeper into our own ideas and beliefs.

My favourite prose response came from Rachel K. who wrote about the flip side to how we think of privilege today and offered an opportunity to think of the ways we are blessed.

And my favourite poetry response for May was the stunning piece by Terryn Witherspoon-Woolfolk which I would urge you to not only read but allow to sink in for a moment.



Modern Women

Writing on female experience, race, motherhood & self-development. Columnist at Green Parent magazine & Parenting Top Writer. Follow me on IG @adeola_moonsong.