Modern Women May Newsletter

How are you all doing?

Modern Women


Image by Andra C Taylor Jr on Unsplash

This morning finds me legs bare with no sleeves to cover my arms or shoulders, light and warmth flooding into the room from my balcony doors.

I hear the buzz buzz of flying things, the chatter of people passing below and there has been a smile teasing my lips since I woke up this morning. The wheel has turned, the promise of summer is in the air and I feel the same excitement for the next few months as I did when I was young.

The older I get the more intentional I am with my energy and my time. I have learnt how finite both those things are as a single mother who wants a full life of her own. I want to enjoy all the juicy wonderfulness that being a woman can mean, and I intend to apply that to my working life as a writer too.

How are you feeling this May morning?

Some parts of the world are preparing for the approach of mother’s day and all the emotional nuances that day contains, others are heading into winter rather than welcoming back the sun as I am doing in the UK. Where are you and what is on your horizon?

Medium as a platform is growing at an amazing rate which is brilliant news for all of us as our access to a worldwide audience grows, but I hear daily from you how hard those first few months are as…



Modern Women

Writing on female experience, race, motherhood & self-development. Columnist at Green Parent magazine & Parenting Top Writer. Follow me on IG @adeola_moonsong.