Modern Women Submission Guidelines — New & Revisied for 2024

How to write for Modern Women

Modern Women


Image by Pereanu Sebastian on Unsplash

It’s a new year and for many of you that means a new start filled with motivation and an urge to get your pen to paper so let’s dig a little deeper into how to get your work published here at Modern Women, and what we are looking for.

There is no one way to be a woman in modern times, but the aim of this publication is to show that there are shared threads that bind us together across cultures, religions, geographic locations and all the unique experiences that go into the mixing bowl of life to make us who we are.

Everything we go through and experience is done through the lens of being a woman in the current culture. It is a culture that is changing rapidly, and societies expectations are reforming around us. That is why we are interested in hearing the feminine perspective on every aspect of your life.

Whether it be the workplace, your romantic lives, or your thoughts on race, politics, family life, religion, sports and culture. The feminine doesn’t have one homogenized reality; we at Modern Women want to see the unique truth of who you are and the hard won wisdom and insights you have to offer.

✨Whatever aspects of life you are juggling, we’d like to hear about them, because it’s in



Modern Women

Writing on female experience, race, motherhood & self-development. Columnist at Green Parent magazine & Parenting Top Writer. Follow me on IG @adeola_moonsong.