Mood Swing Mayhem – a Poem

A Day in the Life of Every Woman (Once in a While)

Modern Women
2 min readMay 30, 2024


Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Oh, the ups and downs of daily moods,
Life’s rollercoaster in all its grooves.
One moment, all sunshine and cheer,
The next, a storm brewing near.

Morning starts with the best intentions,
A green smoothie and Insta mentions.
But by mid-morning, emails flood in,
Frustration mounts, the stress begins.

Lunchtime brings some avocado toast,
Feeling zen, we boast the most.
But then the Wi-Fi crashes hard,
Cue the drama and a Twitter yard.

Afternoon coffee? Pure joy, no doubt,
But spill it once and watch the shout.
The barista’s slow, patience wanes,
Suddenly, it’s all complaints and pains.

Stuck in traffic on the drive back home,
Patience snaps, out come the moans.
Spotify was great, no skips,
Until it plays those old breakup hits.

Dinner plans, excitement high,
Until the food’s wrong, then comes the sigh.
Ordered fries, but got a salad instead,
Mood swings faster than Reddit threads.

Netflix time, the laughter starts,
Then a cliffhanger breaks our hearts.
Texts from friends, the chat’s a blast,
Until someone brings up the past.

Bedtime brings a peaceful retreat,
Face masks on, tucked in neat.
But one last scroll on Instagram,
And it’s an existential jam.

These moods, like TikTok trends,
Up and down, they never end.
From bubbly joy to deep, deep sighs,
Like ever-changing skies.

Oh, the swings, a daily spree,
Life’s quirky dance, wild and free.
A saga of moods, simple yet grand,
The daily drama, always unplanned.

Women are marvellous beings, juggling so many roles. But every once in a while, we have our bad days when our mood is all over the place. Blame hormones, people, or life in general – these days happen, but we always come out of them stronger. It’s sometimes funny, though, when you think back on some of the incidents. Thanks for reading :)



Modern Women

Words whispered to myself, now shared with you. :)