My Not-So-Baby Girl is Now a Teenager

Seriously, where did time go?

Carla May Beriña-Kim
Modern Women


Photo by Pixabay:

I know it sounds cliché, but I could swear my daughter was just this tiny baby in my arms — crying, feeding, sleeping. And now you’re telling me she’s almost a teenager?! I don’t think I’m ready for that just yet.

I remember how I felt when my not-so-baby-girl first had this urge to be independent. At 6, she told me that she was ready to sleep in her bed and stay in her own room all by herself.

I admit that I almost freaked out because until that point, we’ve always been together during sleep time, and we’ve always observed a special routine before going to bed. That was our thing, and I looked forward to that every single night. I know she did, too, because she hardly closed her eyes to sleep without me.

She also made me promise to kiss and hug her even when she was already asleep in the few times that I was out late for meetings or events (when I was still in corporate). This is also why it was always a struggle to leave for overseas business trips and out-of-town engagements back then.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of her for being brave and for asserting her independence. It’s just that I wasn’t prepared for this time to come so soon. I mean, she’s just a baby for crying out loud!



Carla May Beriña-Kim
Modern Women

Freelance Writer and Editor | Consultant | Speaker and Resource Person | Former Corporate and NGO Executive | Mom | Wife