“My People”

A Poem About Finding Your Group in College

Niti Jani
Modern Women
2 min readJun 27, 2024


Photo by Pang Yuhao on Unsplash

A poem about the importance of finding a solid group of friends in college, and the importance they serve in your life.

i came into college with tears in my eyes.
will anyone come close to my high school friends? will anyone else help me till the very end?

i wandered and wandered. one group here, one group there. never fitting into one place, but then my search fell into place.
a small, yet meaningful group came into my life. we laughed, ate, and cried. nothing could stop us, no matter what anyone tried.

through triumph and turmoil, we stood by each other. one could say we were birds of a feather.

it felt like i was cheating with my high school friends, but this is far from right. everyone deserves a chapter in the story of my life.

from parties in the dorm to getting boba in the city, we could talk for hours on and on. from dusk to dawn.
they saw me at my worst and they saw me at my best. they learned about me without taking a look into my past.

everyone needs a solid group in their 20s. the people you meet when you start adulthood define who you become later in life.
my college friends are the epitome of love, respect, and grace. in my home and my heart, they always have a place.

if someone pointed to them and asked who they were, i would simply say…my people.

Thank you to my college friends for being amazing. I’ve truly learned what it means to maintain a friendship with people you don’t see every day. I value them so much, and I’m so grateful to have them in my life. I love you all so much ❤



Niti Jani
Modern Women

just your typical brown girl trying to navigate through life