My Terrifying Car Chase Experience

One of the scariest and most helpless mothering experiences of my life

Liza Carver
Modern Women


Photo 186771647 © Dmitry Marchenko |

It started with an urgent text from my oldest son, who was then fourteen.

Photo of texts by Author, LizaCarver. (2022.)

My son had been at his father’s for his joint custodial time, but considering the urgency of these texts, and the history of abuse from this man, I knew I couldn’t just ignore my son’s pleas. I had to at least somehow make a wellness check, and find out what was happening, even though, by law, I wasn’t supposed to have him on this day.

My son texted me shortly after and told me that he had snuck out while his dad was on the phone in his office, and had run away. He said he was aimlessly walking the streets if I didn’t come, that he wasn’t going back to his dad’s and that he’d sleep out there.

I told him I would meet him somewhere public, with the idea, that again, I was going to do a wellness check, find out what was really going on, and access my actions from there. I wasn’t ‘taking’ him without a legal reason. His father would nail me over big time in court if I did that. He’s scary, has the money, and would go as far as to claim, kidnap, and try to…



Liza Carver
Modern Women

*Top Writer in Parenting* DV Survivor, Psychology, Mental Health, Self-Empowerment/Recovery, Nature Spirituality, Poetry, Mother of Teen Boys, INTP