Navigating the Weight of the World

Finding Hope in the Midst of Life’s Turmoil


Photo by Matteo Vistocco on Unsplash

Do you have days when you just don’t feel like yourself anymore?
Your morning alarm clock ticks off, and you just wake up feeling heavy or tired already?
Or, maybe in the quiet moments, when the world slows down, and the chaos of the day settles, have you ever felt the weight of the world resting on your chest?
Have you found yourself questioning the intensity of your emotions, wondering why the simplest tasks feel like insurmountable mountains to climb?

Lately, my heart has been carrying an unexplainable burden, a heaviness that seems to settle deeper with each passing day. I’ve been trying to pinpoint the source of this weight, but it’s as elusive as a whisper in the wind, slipping through my grasp just when I think I’ve caught it.

Perhaps it’s the relentless demands of the workplace, the ceaseless chorus of deadlines and expectations that refuse to be ignored. Or maybe it’s the never-ending cycle of mommy and household duties, a list that seems to grow longer with each sunrise, leaving me to wonder if I’m enough for the roles I play. Then there’s the unrelenting bombardment of distressing news, a constant reminder of the fragility of life and the relentless turmoil that plagues our world.

The workplace, once a realm of productivity and ambition, has transformed into a labyrinth of never-ending tasks and unyielding pressure. It seems that everyone wants answers, everyone wants updates, and everyone wants it now. The once manageable workloads now appear insurmountable, leaving me questioning my own capabilities and aspirations. Am I aiming too high, dreaming too big, to feel so overwhelmed by the demands of my job?

I have always loved and enjoyed my work. Pre-motherhood, if you’d met me, you’d never hear me cry about my work. Yet, during my maternity leave, a friend of mine playfully hinted, perhaps half-seriously, about the potential transformation in my work ethic upon my return to the office. I remember wondering what she meant by that statement. Now, as I find myself navigating the intricate balance between motherhood and professional life, I can’t help but question if the newfound anxiety I feel in the face of my work-related responsibilities is somehow intertwined with my role as a mother.

Yet, even as I grapple with the trials of the professional realm, the weight of domestic responsibilities bears down on me with equal force. Meeting the incessant needs of the little one who wants me by their side 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all while juggling day-to-day activities, has become an all-consuming mission in itself. It’s not that I don’t cherish these roles; it’s just that the weight of these tasks sometimes feels too much to bear, leaving me to question if I’m truly capable of managing it all.

And then, there’s the relentless stream of disheartening news that floods my world. Everywhere I look, there are tales of political unrest, of innocent lives lost, of humanity’s darkest impulses laid bare. It’s as if the very fabric of the world is unraveling before my eyes, leaving me to grapple with a profound sense of helplessness and despair. How can I dare to feel overwhelmed by my own challenges when others are facing life-or-death struggles every day?

The feeling of guilt compounds the weight on my heart, urging me to silence my own struggles in the face of greater tragedies. It’s a conflicting whirlwind of emotions, where my own difficulties seem insignificant against the backdrop of the world’s immense suffering. The boundaries between personal struggles and global crises blur, leaving me to wonder if my own trials are even worth acknowledging.

Amidst this relentless onslaught of responsibilities and the disheartening state of the world, my heart wonders.
Is it just me?
Am I incapable of handling all of this?
Have I set my aspirations and dreams too high, making the demands of work seem insurmountable?
The feeling of guilt creeps in as I think about how I can even complain about my heavy heart when innocent people are losing their lives in unimaginable circumstances.

It’s as if there’s just too much to do and too little time. The weight on our hearts seems unbearable at times. We long for a moment of respite, a chance to breathe and find solace in the midst of the chaos.

In the end, the answer to the question, “Why does my heart feel so heavy these days?” is not a straightforward one. It’s a complex interplay of life’s demands, the world’s challenges, and our own internal struggles. We are not alone in feeling this way; many of us carry the same burden in silence.

Perhaps the most important thing is not to find immediate solutions or ways to improve, but to acknowledge that this heaviness in our hearts is valid. We must permit ourselves to feel the weight, to question, to wonder, and to admit that the struggle is real.

So, let me ask you, my fellow traveler through life’s challenges, do you ever wonder why your heart feels heavy these days? Do you, too, grapple with the demands of work, home, and the overwhelming state of the world?

Just remember to give yourself grace.

Your heart’s heaviness is not a sign of weakness; it’s a testament to your humanity, your compassion, and your desire for a better, lighter world.



Priyal G | Mom, Writer, Dreamer and Believer
Modern Women

New mom and aspiring wordsmith, passionate about crafting engaging content that inspires. Join me on my writing journey as I balance motherhood and creativity.