Negative Emotions as a Catalyst for Change

Rewiring your negative emotions to find authenticity, inner peace, and your soul’s purpose.


Photo by Resat Kuleli on Unsplash


There are two types of emotions: ones that feel good and ones that feel bad. The first step in subconscious healing is to take an observer role in your emotional state. It is about seeing and feeling the emotion that is most intense without getting too involved in the story of it.

Negative emotions and thought patterns can be developed generationally in your family of origin or picked up along the way as a response to experiences in life. Your process will be unique depending on the intensity and how long ago these emotions were initiated.

Your emotions impact your mood and energy; you have control over how you see this and make different choices. Seeing others react negatively to life is sometimes especially tough for sensitive people.

The practitioner then gives the subconscious mind commands to calm the intensity of the emotion.

Clearing or neutralizing

This is why subconscious healing is so powerful. It uses neuroscience-backed subconscious statements to help clients identify and neutralize negative emotions, making the pain or memory…



Denise Miceli, Intuitive Life Alignment Guide
Modern Women

I help those who feel stuck in emotions, behaviors and patterns that no longer serve their highest good. I clear subconscious blocks to create change.