Prose Poetry

Note to Self: What-Ifs

What would it be like if I did it all differently?

Modern Women


Photo by Eric Muhr on Unsplash

What would it be like if I did it all differently?
If I was a little more carefree than careful?
A little more of me, than a little more of what I think is acceptable.

What would it be like if I did and failed. How bad would that be?
Would it be so terrible if I spoke my mind and listened to my heart?
What if I didn’t have a safe career path but rather tried different things?
Played out my passions?

What if I drowned in my sorrow?
What would I notice if I leaned into the pain?
What if I miss deeply, instead of blocking out?
What would it be like if I didn’t worry so much?

How would it be to not close myself off?
Can I? Will I let me?
What if I thought with clarity?
What if I stayed up late and did things?

What would it be like if I read obscure books and never watched tv?
Played music a little too loud?
Sometimes let the dishes pile up in the sink?
Made strange food for my family to try?

Would it be so bad?
How would it be if I did things when I thought of them instead of leaving them for later?

What if I got that crazy hair cut and the tattoo I’d been dreaming about?
What if I got the piercings I always wanted?
What if I gave in to the allure of a more authentic, daring existence?
What if I let the answers guide my journey?

Thank you so much for reading. If my writing resonates with you, you can find more on my Medium profile.



Modern Women

What: Brain dump of creativity. Why: Building a habit.