Offensiveness Around Makeup

In the diverse world of beauty and self-expression, makeup holds a significant place. It is 2024, and there are still people who distract others by criticizing them for wearing makeup.

Modern Women
2 min readApr 18, 2024


Photo by Peter Kalonji on Unsplash

However, it’s not uncommon to encounter offensive attitudes or remarks regarding makeup usage. From misconceptions about its purpose to judgments based on appearance, offensive comments can undermine the confidence and autonomy of makeup enthusiasts. Let’s dive into why this is wrong and why makeup is all about personal choice and expression.

#Getting Real

People often criticize makeup because they don’t understand its true purpose. Makeup isn’t just about covering flaws, but, it’s about expressing yourself and feeling empowered.

One common source of offensiveness towards makeup stems from a misunderstanding of its purpose. Makeup is often perceived as a tool used to conceal flaws or conform to societal beauty standards. However, this overlooks the true essence of makeup as a form of self-expression and empowerment. Offending someone for their makeup choices disregards their autonomy and undermines the diverse reasons people wear makeup.

Many offensive comments come from judging appearances. Whether someone wears bold makeup or none at all, it’s their choice. Every person has the right to express themselves however they choose, and being offensive over makeup choices only serves to limit this freedom.

Society often imposes rigid gender norms regarding makeup, associating it primarily with femininity and deeming it inappropriate for men. This narrow-minded perspective not only excludes individuals of diverse gender identities but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes. Offending someone for their makeup choices based on their gender is discriminatory and reinforces harmful gender binaries. Society often links makeup with femininity, but makeup is for everyone.

Offensive comments about makeup can really hurt someone’s confidence. Whether it’s body-shaming remarks or belittling someone’s makeup skills, such comments can erode self-confidence and contribute to feelings of inadequacy. Everyone deserves to feel confident and empowered in their appearance, free from judgment or criticism.


It’s time for a change. Let’s promote acceptance and respect for everyone’s makeup choices. Makeup is personal, and everyone should feel free to express themselves however they want. Let’s celebrate diversity and empower each other to be confident and authentic, without fear of judgment.

