Older Moms, Their Independence and Pride

Perhaps I’ll be just like my Mom in the future?

Sharon's Writerly Musings
Modern Women


An older woman of color with a smile on her face.
Photo by Vladimir Soares on Unsplash

“Wait! Do you think I’m a child?”

This is the comment my 80-something-year-old Mom made to me yesterday. It was said with plenty of attitude and was followed by a swift click in my ear. Yes, you can still experience the sound of getting hung up on via cell phone. LOL!

My brother and I were trying to stress the importance of her safety as we have every reason to believe that she went out in 15-degree, icy weather and salted her patio and the front of her home. She vehemently denied doing so and got pissed off because we didn’t believe her.

A frozen tree branch
Photo by Jorge Guillen on Unsplash

My Mom had hip surgery about two years ago and has done well with her recovery. However, we are ultra paranoid about her taking a fall. Not during the warm weather months, mind you. But throughout the Winter, when conditions aren’t always the best. All the more frightening should she re-injure her hip, hit her head (God forbid), or be in a situation where there is no one around to help. I am hours away from NY, and my brother works during the day.



Sharon's Writerly Musings
Modern Women

Sharon, an author and freelance creative writer is actively working towards publishing her first novel.