Others Have ChatGPT. I Have My Baby

My baby girl is writing my stories. She’s the true creative.

Kristina God, MBA
Modern Women


photo credit: Kristina God

I’m a momprenuer.

I’m a marketing manager and part-time online writer.

Besides, my mother tongue is German, not English.

People often ask me how I do it all.

I write for Medium, have a newsletter, and create YouTube videos.

Well… while others get help from ChatGPT or KoalaAI, I recently got my little daughter on board.

My baby girl is the creative one with us.

She can crawl and when I’m sitting in bed writing, she comes to me, taps on my keyboard or tries to bite into my laptop.

Okay, the last action really doesn’t do me any good, but the first one does.

So she taps on the keyboard and very special words, sentences, strings of characters and creative ideas emerge.

Pablo Picasso once said:

“Every child is an artist.”

So my little baby girl is the real creative one in the house.

She’s a natural.

She writes my online articles, newsletters, and scripts for my YouTube videos.



Kristina God, MBA
Modern Women

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: https://kristinagod.substack.com/