Overwhelmed? Tired? Listless? What Should You Do?

Can you take a day off? Or a few days even?

Ipshita Guha
Modern Women
4 min readJul 19, 2023


Woman in Long Sleeves and Denim Pants Lying on a Couch
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

Somedays can be tough; tiring

This happens to everyone, especially middle-aged women. A phase in life when too much is going on at the same time at work, home, or in a relationship.

You feel like a juggler unable to keep all the balls in the air. Something or the other keeps falling. Crashing. No matter how hard you try.

Often it could be the drudgery of life that makes you feel tired and listless. Doing the same thing day after day after. At one point, it does get boring, painful even.

Your world feels strangled with problems of all sizes and shapes.

You are tired. Your body is tired. Your mind is tired.

You feel like you are going to crash.

I think I feel this more often as a woman because after work, at home I shoulder a lot more responsibility. If you are on the same page, you will agree that there is hardly any scope to switch off, put your feet on the coffee table, and relax.

Now, you have two options.

#1. You continue fighting to make your way through this tiredness.

Don’t relent. Just drive through with brute force.

There is only a 50% chance that you might suffer severe mental and (or) physical repercussions.

It’s worth taking the risk, isn’t it?

#2. Stop whatever you are doing.


Step back.

Take some time off

Both options are possible and in most cases, people might choose #1. That’s what a Type A person would go for. The logic is only losers would step back.

If you also think so then it's time to rethink.

Many of you might be appalled at reading #2.

Who does that in today’s world?

It is the age of hustling. You don’t stop. You don’t relent or you are finished.

Here’s a brief word of caution.

You might be “actually” wiped off if you don’t look out for yourself. If you fail to observe what your body and mind are trying to tell you with the signals.

Our body is not a mechanical device that can run continuously, endlessly with the same level of efficiency. It doesn't run on electricity or battery power.

Option #2 is better.

It is safer and more sustainable.

It is the option when you choose for yourself.

When you keep yourself first instead of all the shallow things such as others’ expectations, pleasing the world while harming yourself.

What happens when you pause and take time off?

When you take the time off — a day, a couple of days, a week, whatever you need; your body gets rest.

“The severity of your problems is a matter of perspective. Change your perspective and most of them become insignificant. Some of them will no longer exist as problems — but opportunities instead.” ~ Ernie J. Zelinski

  • Your mind relaxes and you begin to breathe easily.
  • You get the time and space to let all your emotions, thoughts, and feelings surface allowing you to write them down, forcing them to release their stronghold on you.

Yes, if you want to improve your condition, you’ve to put them on pen and paper; making it easier to see and work through them. You need to sift through issues and set them in a logical order or priority to be tackled one by one.

  • Pausing your hectic life for a bit gives you the space to get a fresh perspective on things.
  • A chance to relook at everything and determine what is worth fighting for and what you can (and should) let go.
  • Now, you can evaluate the state of things and make fresh plans. You can aim and get back in the game.
  • A strategy is in place to work through whatever is tiring you down. It can do wonders for your mental health. It is invigorating.
  • With rest and reflection, you will realize a sense of desolation and stagnation is lifted. You get a fresh whiff of the air of life.

Hitting the reset button

Stop devouring those social media messages where people keep posting about hustling, six-seven figures, big life, and flashy images.

Do not get disheartened by those who seem to have got it all striking a perfect balance.

Look under the carpet and behind the glamor.

You will get the “true picture”.

Do what works for you. You are unique, one of a kind.

Choose yourself first.

Sometimes these moments of pause allow you to reflect on life. You might realize that you need to cut the flab, unload some of the dead wood, and move ahead.

Get a fresh start by hitting your inner reset button.

Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. ~ Lucille Ball

Ipshita Guha is an ambivert, who aspires to be a ghostwriter and pass the second half of her life living vicariously through those who have interesting lives. She also writes about other stuff on Medium, LinkedIn, Twitter, and her website.



Ipshita Guha
Modern Women

In quest of living my unlived life | Linkedin:/ipshitabasuguha | Twitter:@ipshitaguha | Insta: @theipshitaguha