Passion Can Pay The Bills If You Are Willing to Learn Your Craft
My Writing Journey on Medium
I often have people in the real world asking me exactly what it is I do. It’s understandable really. I’m a single mother of four home educated kids with roughly only two workdays a week and somehow, I make ends meet, but yet I say I’m a writer even though I’m no J.K Rowling or on any best seller lists. So how does that work I read in their eyes, and I smile and say Medium mostly.
The first hurdle of being a writer is to lay claim to the title. It’s one we can only give ourselves, but unless it’s said and thought of with conviction, it can easily sound like a pipe-dream rather than a lived experience.
The moment you arrived here on Medium and committed to getting your work published and receiving earnings from that, you became a ‘writer’. Doubting that or yourself is a waste of your valuable time. You showed up for yourself, don’t take it back now.
The second and greatest hurdle is to learn how to write. None of us would be here, submitting our work if we didn’t believe we were good enough on some level, but only the most arrogant would say they didn’t have room for improvement.
Learning how to offer parts of myself up onto the page for all to see hasn’t been easy. It’s especially hard to…