Poems About Growing Up

Part 2: Adolescence

Anna Mac Tíre
Modern Women
2 min readMay 12, 2024


Photo by Sebastian Arie Voortman

Feather falls off wing,
covers pages with ink,
black and blue pensive
adolescent strokes;
every new scar a verse,
every bruise a new world
to unfold and make it hers.

Tears of dust in lonesome
corners behind the veil,
she can look but she
cannot partake; they are
not hers to enjoy —
The world is muted then,
only the page doesn’t judge.

Echoes of a world that
simply won’t have her
so she paints her own:
she now walks overgrown
skies but does so alone.
Deafening silence breaks
sneering disapproval —
What’s so wrong about her?
No solace at home
neither in alma mater.

Reality fades down
foggy armours of dusk.
Growing moon roses,
painting winters fawn and
blue with safety spells.
Mockery violates
fortress with disgust and
scolding pyre — Her rage
could burn hard metal and
melt creatures of flame,
chimeric, breath, of fire.

‘Not. Again. Never.
No more.’ She learns to stare
back at Furies and make
their three avenging glares
turn back around into
the abyss — Fortress to
Never again be trespassed.

She moves in the shadows,
she runs and closes in,
she learns to live as one,
she doesn’t give passage,
she never partakes,
she will deal with the


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Anna Mac Tíre
Modern Women

Hi! I am Anna! When I am not busy writing tech related content, I write poetry and short stories ✍️