Pros and Cons Parental Guidance

A Life-Changing Experience

Khateja Karim
Modern Women
5 min readMay 23, 2024


Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

Hi guys, I would like to share with you my own story of childhood, which I still remember up to date, along with parental guidance given unto me; there are good and bad things about it, but it remains true because all parents need to see their kids prosper; just that they do it differently. So, let us not criticize our fathers and mothers since everything they do is always aimed at giving us something good. We observe what we think is good for us and leave what we believe to be unapplied nowadays.

Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash


  • People who are older than us always give us the best advice on which we should pay attention and act, and most of it concerns experience. My parents used to say to me that one day, I would learn from it about myself. For example, “Be a nurse and work with the government sector; it is good for you and your future”. So when I realised what they said was true. I have many benefits, my salary is good, and I can give them money every month, and I can buy my car. I can buy what I want, which is good for my secure future.
  • They always show Love and care, which is the basis for the advice parents give their children, while care defines it. Recognizing and appreciating this will strengthen the bond between parents and their kids and boost trust. I still remember that my parents gave me a packed lunch while in primary and secondary school so that I could eat at school lunch, which some of my parents never did; they even gave me some money in case I was not satisfied. Hahaha
  • They were avoiding mistakes. Sometimes, parents’ advice can also prevent us from repeating the mistakes they made in the past or have seen others make. In this case, we can be spared from unnecessary problems or difficulties. As my parents always said, “Study smart and put your education first; in the future, you will grow with your education.” They had experience, and that’s why they never had a proper education in their life, and they know how difficult it is to raise their children. I indeed have a better life with my education.
  • Perspective Shift. However, there are reasons behind their advice, and understanding this can help change our perspective on viewing things and making wiser choices. They know what it is or at least imagine due to past experiences. For this reason, my parents always remind me to make correct life decisions. My parent told me always to find a proper, happy partner and not let them raise their hand to me. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I listened to the advice: the first male person in my life was already on time when I experienced physical violence. But God’s love towards me was still with me, and I had another chance in my life: as a result, I met an appropriate person who has now become my husband.
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  • Rebellion. Some of the things our parents tell us sometimes are not pleasant to our ears, and we tend to rebel against them to prove that we are young adults and need not be guided. It can result in the company failing to take advantage of some opportunities or creating unnecessary problems for itself. The second one came when I was still in Form 6, and then I decided to become a teacher, so I fought my way through it. However, another opportunity surfaced when my sister applied for me as a nurse, even though I was not interested in healthcare. Instead, because I respected my parents’ decision, I seized the opportunity to become a nurse. Sadly, this is not my dream.
  • There are times when one fails to interpret what the other person means. For instance, my parents may advise me on what is right, but this may conflict with what I, as an individual, want now. Once upon a time, I would be forced into a corner by my Mommy’s demand, which would compel me to distress, thereby upon what has happened over some periods: relenting to something without listening, and no wonder she named me stubborn all the time. I assure you are also as experienced as I am.
  • Overprotection. Parents may sometimes provide information that seems too conservative or even limits our development or prospects, especially if it is not accompanied by positive messages about taking risks and experiencing personal growth. It happened to me before I passed Form 5 (SPM). I will have begun work to generate some additional income to build higher savings. Unfortunately, my parents never wanted me to work and urged me to stay home. In contrast, my friends worked – this was good for me in the sense that I was more secure against experiencing bad things happening, but also, at the same time, I never got acquainted with and experienced what working looked like. So when I entered college, more surprises waited for me (culture shock) because that would be the first time I was away from my parents.
  • We may regret it after not having followed our parents’ advice, mainly when we completely ignored its importance until we have become adults and endured some hardship which we later tried to correct and failed to do so due to some misfortunes while having already been an adult – which implies a lifetime of regrets. We do not know what will happen in the future, but once you know it is good advice, you will begin to regret it.
Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

In conclusion, it is somewhat challenging to comprehend the significance and importance of the guidance given by parents; however, people in society feel that this type of mentoring has been more beneficial than detrimental concerning personal development and family dynamics. It is better not to judge them since they have more experience than we do, just a simple understanding between parents and children, if we think their advice is good for us, apply it and thank them for it because their advice is only for a while. Still, if you feel instead, it’s up to you. In my opinion, I will not judge them and always accept their advice, even if it is sweet or bitter advice because we are so lucky that we have parents who constantly care for us and always want the best thing in our lives.



Khateja Karim
Modern Women

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