Questionable Life Advice From Reese Witherspoon and Travis Kelce

Labeling and sorting? Seriously?

Jen Wilking
Modern Women


Trevi Fountain in Rome
Image Source: Canva Pro. Without drains, Rome’s Trevi Fountain would be a flood.

Reese Witherspoon recently shared advice from her grandmother and called it a principle she lives by.

People are either radiators or they’re drains. And you need to spend time around the radiators, the people who radiate goodness and light and positivity. Not the drains, the people who drag you down.

Don’t you want to be someone in people’s lives that radiates goodness and positivity and creativity and opportunity and optimism and humor and not a drain? Ok, be somebody’s radiator today. (Listen to the full clip on Instagram)

Labeling and sorting? Seriously?

I’m not aiming at Reese. She’s an inspiration, and her work to promote authors and elevate women’s stories is something to celebrate. But the advice felt like a joke — a bad one.

It probably wouldn’t have made the weekly email if I hadn’t also stumbled upon this “secret of life” from Travis Kelce.

When Travis Kelce was a young man, his college football coach pulled him aside one day and told him the secret of life: Everybody you meet in this world is either a fountain or a drain.

The advice left a deep impression. Yes, Kelce thought — you’re either a giver of the basic wellsprings of life or a…



Jen Wilking
Modern Women

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