Re-learning to Live My Life Is a Constant Process

Reflecting on this month’s prompt: Comfort and risk.

Danae Kardara
Modern Women


A black and white photo of a woman with her eyes closed, smiling, and crossing her fingers like she’s making a wish.
By Dayne Topkin on Unsplash.

The concept of comfort zones has always made me feel uncomfortable, which is why I tend to keep an eye on them. Since my teenage years, I’ve had this particular fear of falling behind in life which -let’s face it- sometimes just feels inevitable. I don’t care about societal standards that much, although they influence me to some extent. Life, to me, isn’t defined by milestones like engagements, marriages, or having children — though those are perfectly valid aspirations for those who choose them.

For me, life is this exciting thing with so many experiences to explore, things to do, people to meet, and many times, I wonder: what if I don’t get to do, see, and experience everything I want? What if I get too comfortable with what I have and stop seeking more? Even worse, what if I end up feeling stuck and trapped in a cage of my own making?

I’m good at stepping out of my comfort zones, but at the same time, I tend to get too comfortable sometimes.

I lost my father when I was 22 — not too young, but just as I was taking my first steps into adulthood. Losing him felt like being violently thrown out of my comfort zone. All of a sudden, I had to deal with responsibilities and challenges I had never…



Danae Kardara
Modern Women

I’m a Greek writer writing in English. I write about personal growth, mindfulness, and my personal thoughts. Support me at