Regret, a Strict Teacher No One Wants to have

But once you learn from it, you won’t forget the lessons it taught you throughout your life

Meenakshi Verma
Modern Women
3 min readOct 8, 2023


Photo by the author

Don’t we all have them? Regrets?

Oh, this is what I should have said in that moment to……(fill in the name of the person on your own😀, I am sure you would have someone on your mind).

It happens with me a lot. I never get the right dialogues in the critical moments, I usually go blank, and I just listen. After a while, my mind analyzes the situation and comes up with the strongest punchlines ever. But all of this happens after the argument is over. So, it is literally of no use. And, I am like, darn it. Why can’t I think of it before.

But these are minor things, not something that would bother you deeply.

Certain regrets, however, stay with us forever. It shapes the way we react/respond to certain situations. These regrets are like those bitter experiences that leave mental wounds that would never heal. It would keep on draining and would never dry. Those that cause immense emotional distress if someone touches it and our mind perceives as if that tragic story is getting repeated again, pushing our nervous system into fight/flight mode.

One of the regrets I have heard most about is not leaving a place or a person at the time we should have left. Holding on to that false hope that things would improve whereas deep down, we knew that it would not. Denying to recognize and acknowledge the reality. Letting our heart bleed red. Sitting in pain, doing nothing.

I think, we sit in pain because the time for us to leave is not there just yet or maybe we haven’t learnt the lesson the almighty is trying to teach us which is recognizing our own self worth! We cry, we fight with others and with our own self, we become angry, frustrated and irritated. Then one day, when we have exhausted all our emotions and have understood that our time at this place/with that person is over, it is in that moment that we leave. We leave because we are ready to leave and not because someone wants us to leave.

We leave with a lesson, a lesson which we learnt the hard way. A lesson which has taught us how to navigate the next sharpest turns of this journey called life. And, next time we will know, we will know how much priority to give others and to our own self. We will know when to speak and when to be quiet, when to stay and when to get up and leave the room. Next time we will know who requires our energies and who needs to be treated like they don’t exist.

Life comes in curves. One day, it will be a smooth ride. The other day, a sharp turn whereby you would have to maneuver properly or else it could cause accidents. And these accidents will happen, some will cause minor injuries while some others will hurt deeply. Smooth or sharp, accidents or no accidents, minor or critical injuries, these all will be ours and it will train us to become one of the finest drivers of our life’s.



Meenakshi Verma
Modern Women

Hi, I am Meenakshi. As lost in this world as someone could be, trying to find my true north. I write about mental health, fiction, relationships with others & w