Ways to NjoyPeace

Remember to Stop and Breathe

Take a Moment to Stop and just BE

Glorious Raine
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2022


Lorraine’s Bitmoji


There are times in life when we get so engrossed in our day-to-day responsibilities that we forget to stop and take a BREATH and it is usually not until we become so tired and worn out that we realize we have been moving so fast that we forgot what it feels like to stop and just BE. By that point our bodies have begun to give us cues and signs that it is time to press the PAUSE button.

We begin to feel overwhelmed, extremely tired (even when we think we had a good night’s sleep), irritated and even physically sick. Once we hit this point, we do not have a choice, we are in some way forced to “Stop and Breath!” Let’s not wait until we get to that point, instead find ways to fit a five-minute meditation, breathing exercise, reading a quick section in the book you are slowly working your way through, or just sitting in silence into your morning, afternoon (lunch time), bedtime or any time of day.

I have experienced the feeling of both exhaustion from doing too much without taking time out for a moment of rest and the feeling of being relaxed, refreshed or renewed from taking 5-minutes to breath.

