Seven Little Known Truth Bombs About the Corporate World To Fast Track Career Growth

Misunderstanding this Law of 7 has stalled your colossal salary increments

Zarine Swamy
Modern Women
4 min readDec 26, 2022

-- by Pablo Stanley

The truth about Corporate rules. We millennials do it different. That’s not to say we do it right, in case you’re wondering. We goof up by trying our best not to goof up.

We bungle through naivety. And are to date clueless kids caught in the big bad world of work.

A chance conversation with a friend sparked the law of 7. The seven corporate truths that will stall you if you get them wrong. That will take you where you’ve dreamt of if you use them right.

If you are a millennial woman who thinks the corporate world is unfair, you probably got the laws all wrong. Time to read.

The truth about Hierarchy

Hierarchy gets regular operational shit done. It makes it easier for business owners to dole out routine responsibilities. But mere hierarchy doesn’t get respect. Respect is earned through living by values. Much like everywhere else. Ethics, integrity, knowledge, kindness, self-awareness & an ability to move the wheels command respect. Kick hierarchy in its royal outdated butt. If you can identify the people who inspire respect & befriend them, you grow faster.


Hierarchy isn’t about power. We’ve got that clear, Corporate Jill. You now know that those stiff collared cats ahead in the hierarchy may be pen pushers. How do you wield real power? The kind of power that lets you in on inside secrets & allows you to implement your big decisions. You identify gaps. Power center gaps created by lack of talent. Move your smart ass to occupy those power centers by doing work that makes you shine. You become top dog & earn top dollar.

The truth about Control

You don’t need permission. Period. Volunteer to take on interesting work. Show off the results. Share an idea in a meeting. Get introduced to interesting folks. Never ask, only inform. Afraid of ruffling feathers? Don’t be. Nobody who became anybody did it without bugging somebody. Insecure bosses block your path if they feel threatened by you. Don’t stress. Such bosses are often too powerless to hurt you.

Permission means you allow someone else to control where your career is headed.

Earning your worth

Get this first. You don’t earn your worth. You ask for it. The biggest myth is the benevolent corporate Santa paying you fair wages.

A corporation is a profit-making monster. Human resources, an arm of this monster, has a mandate to reduce costs. By paying you the lowest salary you will possibly accept. The salary they offer you will not be related to your past work, your experience or your qualifications. Unless you make them. It is entirely up to you to get rich while on a corporate job. Learn to negotiate.

The truth about Security

If you want to shine you need to take risks. Forget job security. That’s for wimps. If you are doing things right, you will face office politics of the nasty kind.

It’s a chance you just got to take. You can only ensure you are always at the top of your game so jobs aren’t difficult to come by. Don’t let illusions like lack of opportunity or job security hold you back from playing big.

Personal branding

A word flogged till it has bled. I hate to break your bubble, my Naive Nancy. Personal branding is a farce. You are not a celebrity to brand yourself. If you have a personal brand use it to sell stuff & make a ton of money. Why would you be in an office job? All you need to do is stand out. By doing the stuff in this article. Throw the personal branding advice in the rubbish bin.

The truth about Networking

Chuck the lingo will you?! Networking in the world of work means to attend many meetings & events, never run out of cards to hand out, clink glasses with strangers & move on to forget their names. If it sounds alarmingly like speed dating, that’s because it is. Just like speed dating won’t help you find the man of your dreams your networking will not land you a great job. Do this instead. Keep your circle small but close. Choose it with care. Thrive for it & along with it.

Its easy-peasy really. Live by your ethics & your integrity rather than live by rules that get you on flights to nowhere. If you intend to ignore these corporate truth bombs only because you were a victim of bad bosses in your youth, stop. This generation had nothing to do with your past mistakes or travails.

You have the power to rewrite your story while being the hero of theirs.

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Zarine Swamy
Modern Women

Freelance writer for life coaches, authors & mental health experts who writes about the human journey. My freelance writing website: