Shadows of Paradise

A Wanderer’s Tale

Anna Mac Tíre
Modern Women
2 min readApr 18, 2024


Photo by the author, during a very golden Dusk, in Empúries.

Another story of betrayal under trees —
to the self, to the body, to the temple.
Another soul, another bruised core
like a hollow tree broken down by
a storm of mismatch and deceit.

Powerless, I watch the minutes flee,
time shrivels my resolve and maps
my skin, another ring on the stem,
another winter-fallen butterfly wing,
365 more dawns on tired shoulders.

A light in the shadows of Paradise,
I watch you silently stand by me,
unknowing of my sins and demons,
a comforting clear presence melting
looping thoughts with a gentle smile.

Yet the darkness claims me back
as a new river starts and flows within
and breaks into a waterfall of doubt,
unwanted blooming Spring fairies.
Not now. Certainly not with Hades.

Blessed relief hijacked by years of
capitalised fear, building portals to
broken springs and barren summers,
pale winters and greyscale autumns,
necklace of bruised pearls in heaven.

I look at you and I forgo the grief:
I remember cherry-coloured nights
and bitter, frost-bitten wakings when
‘he’ was no longer ‘you’, bed a cold
burrow under heavy December snow.

All magic eventually dies, dandelions
flow in the air granting wishes, telling
white little lies designed to make the
going less hard — a Wanderer’s Tale
where we are not so alone by
the Journey’s end, to
The Shadows of
Paradise —

But this time around, I have hope.


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Anna Mac Tíre
Modern Women

Hi! I am Anna! When I am not busy writing tech related content, I write poetry and short stories ✍️