Speed Demon Blended With Youth

The closest I’ve come to death.

K. Joseph
Modern Women


AI Generated Art by Midjourney at prompt: Driving a white maxima is Speed Demon Blended With Youth. Abstract aesthetic. dark-skinned Black 20-something-year-old woman.
Midjourney produced this image when prompted: Driving a white maxima is Speed Demon Blended With Youth. Abstract aesthetic. dark-skinned Black 20-something-year-old woman. The author, K Joseph, has provenance and copyright.

🚦I was sitting in my white Maxima at the stoplight, waiting for it to turn green. I glanced over at the car next to me, knowing that just ahead, the road would split and it was a race to see who would get there first. My heart was pounding against my chest with anticipation.



K. Joseph
Modern Women

Change management leader sharing ideas and experiences that may help you navigate the world of work with your fellow humans.