Stop Being a Boring Adult!

How to Play Your Way to a Happier You

Vasilena V.
Modern Women


Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

Okay, parents—time for a truth bomb.

We’ve gotten way too serious.

We forgot how to have FUN!

Newsflash: Play isn’t just for kids.

It’s how we stay sane, creative, and full of life.

So, ready to change the grumpy-grownup act?

Here’s how to get your playful mojo back:

1. Be weird! Be Spontaneous!

Ever feel like you’re on autopilot?

Break the routine!

Try a funky new breakfast cereal.

Blast music from your teenage years.

Take the scenic route to work.

You never know what silliness might spark your brain.

Did you know studies show spontaneous acts boost your mood AND increase your work productivity?

Double win!

Ever feel like life’s a hamster wheel? Same here!

That’s why I started my “Weird Wednesdays.”



Vasilena V.
Modern Women

I love coaching parents of teenagers. Marketing is what I do for living, and writing is my passion. Welcome to my space. I hope you enjoy it!