Supposed to Be

A raging poem

The Mad Poetess
Modern Women


Image created by DocDocFoose using Midjourney Pro

Dedicated to my friend who curses like a sailor and is going through a lot of shit right now. She’s not alone. A Deloitte 2022 “Women at Work” study found that 53% of women surveyed say their stress levels are higher than they were a year ago, and almost half feel burned out and say their mental health is poor or very poor. One-third have taken time off work because of mental health challenges, but only 43% feel comfortable discussing these challenges in the workplace.

I gotta lot of
Supposed to be’s —

Supposed to be
a good mama
fold that laundry
cook that dinner
check that homework
calm during the storm.
Supposed to be.

Supposed to be
a good worker
clickity clack computer keys
customer calls
every day and again at night
no real breaks
except to hear
the guy in the next cubicle brag
about his recent promotion.
Supposed to be.



The Mad Poetess
Modern Women

~10X boosted mystic poet~ My passion is uncovering limitless human potential.