Thank Goodness It’s Not the “Good” Ole Days When Marriages Were Expected To Last Forever No Matter What

I’m not advocating divorce, but there should be a choice

Ruby Lee
Modern Women


Photo by Anna Might on Unsplash

How do you best describe a “perfect” marriage? Is it the union of two people who profess true love? Or is it a working partnership between two people who work together in the best way they can to get along in life?

Personally, I think it’s a little bit of both. In my world, a couple should have romantic love for one another while they work together to make things work. They must expect conflict because living with another person isn’t without conflict. People change. Financial difficulties happen. Children may or may not happen. The trick is figuring out how to work together to resolve the conflict.

Sometimes, for whatever reason, a couple isn’t able to work together. Then, it may be time to separate and divorce. The good news is that it’s 2024, and a divorce is reasonably easy to obtain. Best of all, society has become more understanding.

That hasn’t always been the case.

I can remember how, in the 1970s, one of my cousins divorced his wife. Or maybe she divorced him. I am not privy to those details. What I remember is our aunt standing in my mother’s kitchen, telling everyone…



Ruby Lee
Modern Women

Mother, Wife, Teacher, Librarian, Teller of Stories. Author of The Marriage Wars by Leeanne Beasley Berry. Top Writer in Parenting, This Happened to Me, Humor