The Heartfelt Harmony of Modern Moms

Balancing Productivity, Family, and Personal Passions

Olivia Reed
Modern Women
4 min readJun 18, 2024


Photo by Xinyi W. on Unsplash

The clock strikes seven. My daughters, bursting with energy, are bouncing off the walls, fueled by sugar-free popsicles and unbridled joy. Austin, my husband, is already in the operating room, saving lives. I’m juggling a million thoughts, emails to answer, a complex equation to solve, and a nagging feeling that I should be doing more with my time.

Then, Sharon, my six-year-old daughter, asks me to help her sculpt a dragon out of clay. In that instant, the stress melts away, replaced by a flood of love and gratitude. It’s in these moments that I realize life isn’t about achieving perfect balance. It’s about finding a harmonious blend — a way to weave together work, family, and personal passions, creating a rich tapestry of experiences, big and small, that truly enrich our lives.

The Power of Pomodoros

Deadlines are always with me, especially as an aerospace engineer. It’s so easy to get lost in a sea of data and equations, but I’ve discovered a simple time management technique that’s a real lifesaver: the Pomodoro Technique. It involves focusing for 25 minutes, then taking a short break, and this rhythmic pattern keeps me on track and prevents burnout.

It’s not just for work, though! Those short breaks are perfect for a quick cuddle with Katherine or a peek at Sharon’s latest clay creation. My husband, Austin, a skilled woodworker, swears by a similar system for managing his crafting projects. So, whether you’re designing rockets or building a birdhouse, a little Pomodoro magic can make a big difference!

Photo by Shifaaz shamoon on Unsplash

Family Adventures, Big and Small

Life is about more than just ticking off tasks; it’s about making memories that stay with you forever. Last weekend, we went to the Miami Beach Botanical Garden with the girls, and it was wonderful. Katherine was absolutely delighted by the water features, splashing and giggling with pure joy. Sharon, with her artistic soul, was captivated by the vibrant flowers, sketching butterflies and mimicking the graceful movements of hummingbirds. These experiences we share, even the seemingly ordinary ones, truly make life special.

They remind me that what matters most isn’t how much I get accomplished, but the memories we create together. And honestly, some of my best ideas come to me during these moments of quiet contemplation and joy. Maybe it’s the fresh air or the vibrant colors, but creativity always seems to flow more easily when I’m surrounded by nature and my precious daughters.

The Buzz of Passion

Keeping bees brings a sense of calm amidst the busy pace of family and work. It’s a world of buzzing energy, a delicate balance, just like the world we live in. Each hive has a unique energy, a symphony of tiny lives working together towards a common goal. Amidst the chaos of life, nature’s rhythm brings a sense of peace.

Taking care of my bees reminds me to nurture my own passions, whether it’s writing or simply enjoying a peaceful moment with tea. It’s important to take time for ourselves, even if it’s just a few minutes, to cultivate our interests for our mental well-being. My eldest daughter, Sharon, expresses her passion through clay sculpting, crafting whimsical creatures and fantastical landscapes with her tiny hands. Katherine, our youngest, finds joy in splashing and diving, her eyes sparkling with pure delight. Seeing their passion, their curiosity, reminds me that it’s never too early to follow your dreams, no matter how big or small.

Photo by Dakota Corbin on Unsplash

The Power of Prioritization

Multitasking? It’s a myth, let’s be honest. My brain, like yours, can only focus on one thing at a time.

So, I’ve learned to prioritize, focusing on what absolutely must get done first. Then, I break down those tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks, making them feel less overwhelming. If possible, I delegate, knowing Austin’s a natural with bath time and Sharon’s capable of getting her own snacks. Technology is a game-changer, too! My digital planner keeps my schedule organized, helping me stay on track and achieve my goals. Whether I’m writing a blog post or launching a new project, a clear plan is essential for success.

The Heartfelt Harmony: Our Story, Your Story

Life as a mom, engineer, writer, and beekeeper? It’s a delightful chaos. Finding that sweet spot, where work, family, and passions coexist harmoniously, is the real goal.

We all have the power to create this ‘heartfelt harmony’ in our own lives, don’t you think? What are your tips for juggling work, family, and personal pursuits? What are you passionate about? Share your stories in the comments below! Follow along for more on productivity, mindset, time management, and the joys of life as a modern mom. Let’s create a supportive, inspiring community together!



Olivia Reed
Modern Women

Hi! I'm Olivia :). I live in Miami with Austin, my wobbly-chair carpenter husband, and our kids, Sharon and Katherine. Join our fun productivity journey!