The Sweet Serenade of Snores

A Tale of One Sleepless Night

Niharika Kaur Kakar
Modern Women
2 min readSep 28, 2023


Photo by Claudia Mañas on Unsplash

I felt that touch,
Heard that snore.

Annoying for some,
But a joy to me.

It calmed me,
Knowing you are next to me.

Falling asleep to your little snores,
That feel like a tune of pleasure.

This is a story of one of my sleepless nights.

As you slept, I gazed you through the dim lights coming in through the curtains. To be sure I moved my finger over your face. With no response I understood you are in your dreams. Time passing by, feeling lucky of your presence I kept gazing. Playing around like a kid on the bed yet comforted by your presence. You snores, your smell, your vibe charmed me.

In the silence of that night, I listened to the rhythm of your breath, a soothing melody that resonated with the beating of my heart. It was as if the universe had conspired to create this perfect moment just for us.

I was amazed by how simple it all felt — the calm your presence brought, the way your soft snores took me into a dream world within a dream. In that quiet moment together, I found the joy of living in the present and cherishing the moment.

With each passing moment, my love for you grew stronger. It was in these quiet hours that I realised the true magic of our connection — a bond that went beyond words and filled the gaps between us with a silent understanding.

And so, my dear, I treasure not just the days we share but also these quiet nights, where the world fades away, and it’s just you and me, writing our love story in the serenade of your sweet snores.

