This absolutely shits me to death!

Kelly Robinson
Modern Women
Published in
3 min readJun 9, 2022

Unless you are an Australian or New Zealander, you may not understand this saying.

Essentially, it is something that annoys (shits me) me immensely (to death).

A favourite comedian of mine, Urzila Carlson, asks this to her podcast guests over two questions. What shits you to death about others, and what shits you to death about yourself?

You can listen here: That's enough already

Now back to me…


In this current world, there is no excuse for ignorance.

Like never before, we can do our research and search to find factual and honest content. Yes, we may need to work our way past some garbage, but the truth is there.

If you are unsure about something, try not to form an opinion without doing sensible research to discover and develop your view.

An uneducated opinion shits me to death


As humans, we can all take the time to have a little empathy.

Everyone you see or know is going through something. Rich or poor, we all have our good and bad days.

Not having empathy toward others who we may know nothing about their situation is a quality we all can work on.

Even when we do know someone's circumstance we can still have empathy towards that person.

A lack of empathy shits me to death


When you are next in a supermarket, take the time to ask the person at the checkout how their day is going. Or to wish them a good day when you leave.

Genuinely asking and taking the time to listen to others without having your agenda being more important, is an essential quality. Just think about how many people are rude to people in customer service positions, and it takes very little to be kind.

The inability to be kind to strangers shits me to death

Family Communication

Instead of asking your children or family how their day was, try:

  • What went well for you today?
  • Did anything happen that made you feel sad today?

Do you ask your family and friend meaningful questions that can elicit meaningful conversations?

Don't tell them they look beautiful; tell them that the outfit brings out their eyes. Think about how your words will affect that family member before the words leave your face.

Treat your family the way that you wish to be treated and don’t be hypercritical, no one likes to be criticised.

A lack of communication shits me to death

Knowing better and doing better

I wrote this recently

Not doing better after you know better shits me to death

So, I'm sure you get the idea; what shits you to death? Let me know in the comments.

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Thanks, Kelly

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Kelly Robinson
Modern Women

Top Writer. I am passionate about small business, mental health, and much more. I hope you enjoy what I have to share.