This Is Why Women Lose so Much in a Relationship

It’s never 50:50, isn’t it?

Anggun Bawi
Modern Women


Photo by Cottonbro Studio on Pexels

My mother lost so many years of her life to a cheater and because of that, she was part of those women who initiated divorce first.

It still breaks my heart every time the story crosses my mind. What’s more messed up is how normal it all seems in our society. They expect us to just “get over it” because it’s just men being men.

Many treatments that women get from their partners aren’t normal. Let’s talk about emotional and physical abuse for example. Back home where I came from, no one takes it seriously. Even here in the Western country, I’ve still heard many cases that went ignored.

A divorce attorney was asked in an interview, “Who has it harder at divorce? women or men? — which he replied to both but in different ways. Fair enough.

But in reality, women always have it harder especially when there are kids involved. I know this for true because my mother went through one herself. I grew up watching her suffer from a man who was never worth her time in the first place.

With so many things that women lose just being in a relationship, it’s no wonder many of them decided to be alone. Women have also decided to be way more picky than before.



Anggun Bawi
Modern Women

writing on trauma, dating and relationships - in the hope that you'll feel less alone on your journey | lives in vancouver 🇨🇦