To All The Moms In The World

Sometimes, I wonder how our moms can make it all

Modern Women
3 min readMar 10, 2024


Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

I started to have this thought since I left my home and came to the UK three years ago. From that point of time, I have to take care of myself on my own. I am having a 9 to 5 job on weekdays, writing hobby on weekends, no debt, no dependant, so I guess I am not living a tough life. Nevertheless, there are days I am so stressed, so tired, I could not leave my bed to feed myself. At time like these, I often think of my mom. How could she make it?

My mom got married at the age 22, had me at 24, then my brother at 32. Throughout 28 years of my parents’ marriage, the only thing my father brought to the table is criticism. No money, no spending time with children, no sharing household chores. My mom, after several times trying to talk sense into him but seeing no change, had decided that she would do it all. And she did it. She raised me and my brother, took good care of us, cooked for us, followed our studying, kept the house clean, also took care of my old grandparents. And she has done all of it while she also had a full time job. Actually a successful career, I will say. She paid for all of the family expenses — my father was not bothered to pay for his own share of grocery and bills.

After 28 years, my mom decided that was enough. My brother and I had grown up to understand our family situation and did not need the existence of my father anymore. So, they broke up. My mom bought a 3-bedroom flat and the three of us happily moved into it. Yes, after all of the time and money my mom had spent on us (and my father), she still managed to save enough to buy a nice 3-bedroom flat (she did not take anything from my father).

While I always think about my mom as a walking miracle, I know she is actually not one of a kind. I have seen many other mothers, who are in more difficult situation than my mom, still find their way to protect their children and brighten their own way.

I have read this somewhere: Being moms is full-time job. It is literature full-time, no other jobs like it. 24/7, no sick days, no days off, no weekends, no holidays. For at least 18 years. It is a hard work, and sadly in some cases, a thankless occupation as well.

To all the moms in the world: I am sure it was not always easy being a mom. We are grateful to have you as our moms. We are who we are today thanks to you. Your love and support are things we will never forget.

Sometimes, I ask myself a question: If I could choose the family which I would be born into, what would I choose? Would I choose a richer family, for example?

And I find myself saying no. If I could choose that, I still want to be my mom’s daughter. She has raised me with a healthy mindset, an empathic heart and a strong soul. Those assets will be with me for my whole life, give me the ability to overcome any obstacle, to see the beauty in even the hardest situation, to live a life full with love and gratitude. I would not trade it for anything in the world.

Thank you, Mom, for being my mom. You have always been telling me that you are proud of me. I am proud of you, too.

