Want to Balance Work, Family, and Rock Climbing?

How I Found My Zen on the Wall

Amy Barlowe
Modern Women
4 min readJun 13, 2024


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Let’s face it, balancing work, family, and your passions can be tough. I get it; I’m in the thick of it myself. Between my busy law practice, my three wonderful kids, and Bill, who’s always covered in grease from his latest car project, my life is a whirlwind of activity.

But finding time for my love of rock climbing has changed everything. It’s more than just a hobby; it’s my escape, my stress reliever, a place where I find my inner peace. It’s all about finding that perfect balance, that sweet spot where work, family, and personal growth can all coexist. It’s a constant work in progress, to be honest! But with a little mindfulness, some smart time management strategies, and a whole lot of passion, it’s definitely doable. Let’s dive in and see how I’ve found that balance; maybe you’ll find your own zen on the climbing wall too!

Climbing into My Schedule

Returning to climbing after a long break felt like juggling flaming torches. Life was busy, everyone had their plates full, but I knew I needed this. So, I decided to be strategic. Scheduling my climbs in advance, just like important meetings, made them official and unmovable.

Downtime between client meetings transformed into quick bouldering sessions at the gym. It was incredible! Even a short 30 minutes was enough to get my heart racing and clear my head. Being realistic about my limits was crucial. I couldn’t climb every day, and that was perfectly fine. I also had to be honest with Bill and the kids about how important this was to me. Their amazing support has made all the difference. I’m incredibly grateful for their understanding.

Photo by Jessica Rockowitz on Unsplash

Climbing My Way to Calm

Rock climbing is more than just a hobby for me; it’s an escape — a chance to leave behind the daily chaos, to quiet my mind, and to find peace in the challenge of the climb. The feeling of conquering a difficult route, the rush of adrenaline after a safe fall, and the quiet focus needed to plan each move are truly therapeutic, like a mental reset button.

And then there’s the physical aspect — rock climbing is an incredible workout, strengthening my body and boosting my confidence. After a climbing session, I feel refreshed, energized, and ready to tackle whatever comes my way. It’s no surprise that I’m a more patient and focused mom and lawyer after a climb. The mental clarity and physical strength I gain from climbing carry over into every aspect of my life. I’m a more productive lawyer, a more engaged mom, and a happier person overall, all thanks to the transformative power of climbing.

Supportive Network

The best part of all this isn’t just the climbing, it’s the incredible support I have from my family. Bill has always been a bedrock of encouragement, a true rock (pun intended!) when it comes to my passions. He understands how vital climbing is to my well-being and always steps up to help with the kids when I need to hit the wall. Cassie, Darla, and George are equally supportive. They understand that Mom needs her climbing time and are always excited to hear about my adventures. It’s amazing how their excitement for my climbing has rubbed off on them. Cassie and Darla love bouldering with me, and George is constantly trying to climb everything in sight!

Having this supportive network is truly priceless. It allows me to pursue my passions without guilt, knowing I’m taking time for myself. And let’s be honest, a happy and fulfilled mother makes for a happier and more present parent for her children.

Photo by Shifaaz shamoon on Unsplash

Finding Your Own Zen

Incorporating your passions into a busy life requires a bit of strategy and planning. Start with small, manageable changes, and celebrate each step toward your goal. Schedule time for yourself, even if it’s just a half-hour workout. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from your loved ones; they’ll be happy to lend a hand.

Most importantly, be kind to yourself. Perfection is an unattainable ideal, so focus on progress, not perfection. Finding that balance might seem challenging at first, but with a little patience, you’ll discover a sense of peace and fulfillment in your life, just as you would find your footing on a challenging climbing wall.

Zen On the Wall

It’s absolutely possible to find a balance between work, family, and passions, and rock climbing has been my key to achieving that balance. It’s all about being strategic with your time, prioritizing what matters most, and having a supportive network.

What’s your outlet? What activity recharges you and makes you feel ready to take on the world? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below! Share your stories and let’s all climb together! If you’re looking for more tips on finding your own zen, be sure to follow along for more insights on balancing a fulfilling life. See you on the wall!



Amy Barlowe
Modern Women

Joyful mom of three, loving wife, productivity guru, and mindset writer. Embracing life's adventures!