
What Is This Thing Called “Black Girl Luxury”?

Is it a boost of a black woman’s confidence or does it create another type of separation?

Modern Women
Published in
4 min readJun 23, 2022


Photo by Vladimir Yelizarov/Unsplash

For decades black women have been seen, on the positive side as strong, one who does what is necessary to keep us (our family) moving forward. The negative side includes plenty of opinions I won’t even put in the atmosphere.

One of our positives, some may think, this crazy “hustle” life is so real especially when you think about our infamous saying, making a dollar out of 15 cents.

We will make it happen. We are seen as the go-to warrior, yet given minimal chance to have the best of the best.

Giving so much to others, many of us have decided that enough is enough and we do not have to live from a realm of lack, many times at the expense of our physical and mental health.

Many black women have not only decided that they deserve the best when it comes to material items and experiences, but have made provisions to attain the luxury lifestyle they want.

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